PC Goes to Halo-wood
Good news for Halo fans. Xbox's Halo 2 has such a monolithic fan base that Microsoft feels it is a worthy investment to port it from the Xbox to the PC. Halo 2 will only be playable on Vista, not on any earlier versions of Windows. Microsoft hopes to encourage PC users to migrate to the new operating system, coming later this year (supposedly). It announced that its gaming team will work closely with Bungie to make this happen.
Using a mouse and keyboard is the proper way to navigate in a FPS, not on an analog controller, in my opinion. Although the rumble feedback is a nice interactive feature on the Xbox control, the directional movement is like molasses. Turning quick enough to make a headshot on an approaching opponent is critical. It just feels more natural for twitch gameplay.
ha - you are a geek!
love your cuz
Hi, cuz! I love Halo, though I am old fashioned and like Halo 1 better. But Halo 2 is fun. I love having my husband's friends stop by so I can beat up on them... :)
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